工期:三天<br /> 工程描述:独立屋园艺铺砖<br /> 工程价格:$10,000<br /> 业主评价:我们家是一个园艺与铺砖的工程,Reno Compass园艺施工队伍非常专业,动作很快,对工程整体质量比较满意。觉得Reno Compass工程监理的跟进服务挺好的。Reno Compass园艺师傅推荐车道铺砖庭院设计,Reno Compass推荐的装修公司都是安省正规注册公司,WBIS 等各类手续齐全,拥有200万工程保险。 业务范围:车道沥青,前后院铺砖,园艺设计,园林铺砖,种植养护等.Renovation Period: 3 days.<br /> Project Detail: Landscaping Interlocking.<br /> Cost: $10,000<br /> Homeowner’s Review: We change the pitch top into interlocking. Mr Zhang did it very fast they are really professional and good at what they do. Also RenoCompass did a great job following up.